Branch Late May Bank Holiday Opening Times for 2024!

Monday 27th May - 8.00 - 12.00


Decorating equipment and accessories from Boys & Boden builder’s merchants

Decorating accessories and sundries

Boys and Boden stores are designed to be one-stop-shops for all your building and decorating needs. Our stores carry a large array of building and decorating tools, materials and fittings.

We have a huge stock of decorating accessories, including sandpaper and abrasives, lubricants and cleaners, adhesives, sealants and silicones, grout, fillers, admixtures and mortars, and other home decorating products.

Visit your local builders' merchats branch in Chester, Shrewsbury or Mid-Wales. 

Sealants, lubricants, abrasives, adhesives, primer, grout, fillers, building product chemicals and other decorating sundries and accessories 

We stock all the tools, materials and equipment you need to decorate or renovate your domestic or commercial space.
Our products are ideally suited for both trade and home users, catering for large industrial jobs and small DIY projects.

Contact us to request a quotation

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28 Item(s)

  1. Emery Cloth Sanding Sheets 230 x 280mm Assorted (3) - CLEFLV26493
  2. Silicon Carbide Finishing Sanding Sheets 230 x 280mm Medium 180g (3) - CLEFLV26299
  3. Glasspaper Sanding Sheets 230 x 280mm Grade F2 (25) - CLEFLV58235
  4. Waterproof Sanding Sheets 230 x 280mm 800g (25) - CLEFLV58245
  5. Silicon Carbide Finishing Sanding Sheets 230 x 280mm E-Coarse 80g (3) - CLEFLV26296
  6. Glasspaper Sanding Sheets 230 x 280mm Grade 1.5 (25) - CLEFLV58234
  7. Waterproof Sanding Sheets 230 x 280mm 400g (25) - CLEFLV58243
  8. Sanding Sponges Standard Medium/Coarse - CLEFLV56853
  9. Emery Cloth Sheets 230 x 280mm  FLV26304
  10. Waterproof Sanding Sheets 230 x 280mm 240g (25) - CLEFLV58241
  11. Glasspaper Sanding Sheets 230 x 280mm Grade S2 (25) - CLEFLV58237
  12. Waterproof Sanding Sheets 230 x 280mm Fine 400g (3) - CLEFLV26303
  13. Emery Cloth Sanding Sheets 230 x 280mm Coarse 50g (3) - CLEFLV26308
  14. Waterproof Sanding Sheets 230 x 280mm 1000g (25) - CLEFLV58246
  15. Glasspaper Sanding Sheets 230 x 280mm Grade M2 (25) - CLEFLV58236
  16. Waterproof Sanding Sheets 230 x 280mm Assorted (3) - CLEFLV26491
  17. Silicon Carbide Finishing Sanding Sheets 230 x 280mm Fine 240g (3) - CLEFLV26300
  18. Glasspaper Sanding Sheets 230 x 280mm Grade 2.5 (25) - CLEFLV58238
  19. Waterproof Sanding Sheets 230 x 280mm 600g (25) - CLEFLV58244
  20. Silicon Carbide Finishing Sheet  FLV26294
  21. Glasspaper Sanding Sheets 230 x 280mm Grade 1 (25) - CLEFLV58233
  22. Waterproof Sanding Sheets 230 x 280mm 320g (25) - CLEFLV58242
  23. Sanding Sponges Standard Fine/Medium - CLEFLV56852
  24. Waterproof Sanding Sheets 230 x 280mm Medium 240g (3) - CLEFLV26302
  25. Emery Cloth Sanding Sheets 230 x 280mm Fine 120g (3) - CLEFLV26306
  26. Waterproof Sanding Sheets 230 x 280mm 150g (25) - CLEFLV58240
  27. Glasspaper Sheets 230 x 280mm  FLV58231
  28. Waterproof Sheets 230 x 280mm  FLV26301

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28 Item(s)

Opening Times

7.30am - 5.30pm MONDAY to THURSDAY (except Welshpool opening from 7am)

7.30am - 5pm FRIDAY (except Welshpool opening from 7am)

7.30am - 4pm SATURDAY (except Shrewsbury 8am - 4pm)

10am - 4pm SUNDAY


FSC® products available on request. Please contact your nearest branch for further information.

Our History

Company No. 215444

VAT Reg No. 159 0430 72

Learn about the Boys & Boden legacy, from saw mill to venerable builders' merchant.

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Boysa and boden staff photo 1945
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