SikaEverbuild Dustproofer 5L Clear [SIKA18DUS05]



Sika Everbuild brands can be found throughout the DIY and building industry providing products for all jobs whether large or small

Dustproofer, ready to use on concrete floors, paths, driveways etc

  • Economical
  • Hardens and dustproofs concrete surfaces
  • Improves wear resistance
  • For garage, industrial and workshop floors
  • Reduces permeability
  • Dust free finish
  • 5 Litres

Opening Times

7.30am - 5.30pm MONDAY to THURSDAY (except Welshpool opening from 7am)

7.30am - 5pm FRIDAY (except Welshpool opening from 7am)

7.30am - 4pm SATURDAY (except Shrewsbury 8am - 4pm)

10am - 4pm SUNDAY


FSC® products available on request. Please contact your nearest branch for further information.

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