Planed all round (PAR) timber from Boys & Boden Builders’ merchants

Planed all round timber battens

The term Planed All Round (PAR) refers to timber that all four faces along the length planed ready for use in various construction jobs. This is superior to traditional planed square edge timber where only one face is usually planed. The smooth finish on the edges makes this timber particularly versatile.

We supply a range of high-quality timber products for building and construction jobs for trade professionals and DIY home users. 

Timber products for building jobs

Our planed all round timbers are available in a range of sizes and are made from woods that include whitewood, redwood, white oak and meranti.

Visit a Boys & Boden branch in Chester, Shrewsbury or Mid-Wales to see our large range of stock timber building products. 

Contact us to request a quotation

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  1. 25 x 250mm PAR WHITEWOOD  025250W
  2. 38x150mm PAR Redwood  038150HRW
  3. 38x50mm PAR Redwood  038050RW
  4. 75x75mm PAR Redwood  750753
  5. 75x75mm PAR Redwood  750753
  6. F 100x100mm PAR Redwood  1001003
  7. F 16x38mm (DOOR STOP) PAR Redwood  016038W
  8. F 22x100mm PAR Whitewood  022100W
  9. F 22x125mm PAR Whitewood  022125W
  10. F 22x50mm PAR Whitewood  022050W
  11. F 22x75mm PAR Whitewood  022075W
  12. F 25x100mm PAR Redwood  025102A
  13. F 25x150mm PAR Redwood  025150R
  14. F 25x175mm PAR Redwood  251752
  15. F 25x175mm PAR Redwood  251752
  16. F 25x200mm PAR Redwood  252002
  17. F 25x200mm PAR Redwood  252002
  18. F 25x225mm PAR Redwood  252252
  19. F 25x225mm PAR Redwood  252252
  20. F 25x25mm PAR U/S Redwood  250253
  21. F 25x25mm PAR U/S Redwood  250253
  22. F 25x275mm PAR Whitewood  025275W
  23. F 25x50mm PAR Redwood  025050R
  24. F 25x75mm PAR Redwood  025075R
  26. F 32x150mm PAR Redwood  321502
  27. F 32x150mm PAR Redwood  321502
  28. F 32x225mm PAR Redwood  032225R1
  29. F 38x175mm PAR Redwood  038175HRW
  30. F 38x250mm PAR Whitewood  038250U
  31. F 50x100mm PAR Redwood  501003
  32. F 50x100mm PAR Redwood  501003
  33. F 50x150mm PAR Redwood  501503
  34. F 50x150mm PAR Redwood  501503
  35. F 50x50mm PAR Redwood  ARBP050050A1
  36. F 50x75mm PAR Redwood  500753
  37. F 50x75mm PAR Redwood  500753
  38. F 75x100mm PAR Redwood  751003
  39. F 75x100mm PAR Redwood  751003
  40. F 75x150mm PAR Redwood  075150RW
  41. White Oak PAR 12x50mm [PER MTR]  012050OPAR
  42. White Oak PAR 20x145mm [PER MTR]  020145OPAR
  43. White Oak PAR 20x220mm [PER MTR]  020220OPAR
  44. White Oak PAR 20x45mm [PER MTR]  020045OPAR
  45. White Oak PAR 20x95mm [PER MTR]  020095OPAR
  46. White Oak PAR 45x145mm [PER MTR]  045145OPAR
  47. White Oak PAR 45x45mm [PER MTR]  045045OPAR
  48. White Oak PAR 45x69mm [PER MTR]  045069OPAR
  49. White Oak PAR 45x95mm [PER MTR]  045095OPAR
  50. White Oak PAR 69x69mm [PRICE PER METRE]  069069OPAR

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Opening Times

7.30am - 5.30pm MONDAY to THURSDAY (except Welshpool opening from 7am)

7.30am - 5pm FRIDAY (except Welshpool opening from 7am)

7.30am - 4pm SATURDAY (except Shrewsbury 8am - 4pm)

10am - 4pm SUNDAY


FSC® products available on request. Please contact your nearest branch for further information.

Our History

Company No. 215444

VAT Reg No. 159 0430 72

Learn about the Boys & Boden legacy, from saw mill to venerable builders' merchant.

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Boysa and boden staff photo 1945
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