Threaded Bar A2 S/Steel M6 1Mtr TIM06TBSS



Boys and Boden - Screws, Nails & Fixings

  • Bolts and Nuts
  • Anchor Fixings
  • Nails & Pins
  • Rivets
  • Screws
  • Washers

 We stock a huge range of screws, nails and fixings from a range of top suppliers. We also have many ranges sold LOOSE, so minimising any waste when buying pre-packed.

For information on all our ranges, and to request a quotation, please contact your nearest branch.

Opening Times

7.30am - 5.30pm MONDAY to THURSDAY (except Welshpool opening from 7am)

7.30am - 5pm FRIDAY (except Welshpool opening from 7am)

7.30am - 4pm SATURDAY (except Shrewsbury 8am - 4pm)

10am - 4pm SUNDAY


FSC® products available on request. Please contact your nearest branch for further information.

Our History

Company No. 215444

VAT Reg No. 159 0430 72

Learn about the Boys & Boden legacy, from saw mill to venerable builders' merchant.

history banner

Boysa and boden staff photo 1945
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