Boys & Boden Ltd Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy

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Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy

Policy Statement:

54 Modern Slavery Act 2015

This policy applies to all persons working for us or on our behalf in any capacity, including employees at all levels, directors, officers, agency workers, seconded workers, volunteers, agents, contractors and suppliers. Boys & Boden Ltd strictly prohibits the use of modern slavery and human trafficking in our operations and supply chain. We have and will continue to be committed to implementing systems and controls aimed at ensuring that modern slavery is not taking place anywhere within our organisations or in any of our supply chains.
We expect that our suppliers will hold their own suppliers to the same high standards.
Modern Slavery is a term used to encompass slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour, bonded and child labour and human trafficking.
Human trafficking is where a person arranges or facilitates the travel of another person with a view to that person being exploited. Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights.


We are, and shall continue to be, a company that expects everyone working with us or on our behalf to support and uphold the following measures to safeguard against modern slavery:

•    We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery in any part of our organisation or supply chains.
•    The prevention, detection and reporting of modern slavery in any part of our organisation or supply chain is the responsibility of all those working for us or on our behalf. Workers must not engage in, facilitate or fail to report any activity that might lead to, or suggest, a breach of this policy.
•    We are committed to engaging with our stakeholders and suppliers to address the risk of modern slavery in our operations and supply chain.

Opening Times

7.30am - 5.30pm MONDAY to THURSDAY (except Welshpool opening from 7am)

7.30am - 5pm FRIDAY (except Welshpool opening from 7am)

7.30am - 4pm SATURDAY (except Shrewsbury 8am - 4pm)

10am - 4pm SUNDAY


FSC® products available on request. Please contact your nearest branch for further information.

Our History

Company No. 215444

VAT Reg No. 159 0430 72

Learn about the Boys & Boden legacy, from saw mill to venerable builders' merchant.

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